Colegiul National “CALISTRAT HOGAS” Piatra-Neamt provides quality services for the educational community, which consists of the pedagogical act of ensuring every student their individual course of development. Additionally, an important mission of our high school is to respect human diversity and to ensure full safety to our students.
Our vision concerning our school is based on the current status of university education and aims to achieve superior performances not only for those who are certified in training, but also for the free affirmation of the potential of the young Romanian generation and for their social fulfilling, known and acknowledged here and elsewhere.
What is the National College “Calistrat Hogaş”?
a school in the tradition of education in Neamt
a welcoming and friendly space
an inexhaustible source of knowledge
a place of friendship and respect
a school of new information and communication technologies
an open window of daring thought
an area of health, movement and clean air
a catalyst for the individual training, initiative and creativity
a school of European education in the spirit of democracy
There are 848 students attending the school, of whom 200 students are enrolled in middle school classes and 570 students in high school classes. The majority of students, about 70 percent, are town residents, while the rest of 30 percent are commuters, coming from the rural areas of the Neamt County. There a
re 48 teachers who work at school.
The students from middle school classes learning here are of various family backgrounds. Leaving aside those who come from well-organized, emotionally and financially solid families, there are many students who are confronted with numerous hardships. Thus, some of them come from disorganized families
or mono-parental families. Others are supported by relatives or acquaintances because their parents are working abroad. Likewise, a good number of students live on the verge of poverty. All these reasons, individually or combined, mean we have to fight against some students’ intention of abandoning school as well as against some parents’ decisi
ons of not letting their children continue attending school.