Fulston Manor School is a non-selective secondary in the county of Kent in the South-East of England. The school belongs to a selective area and is in very close proximity to two grammar schools. Sittingbourne is located in an area with low aspirations and low rates of progression into Higher Education.
The population of the school is 1,300 and the curriculum is delivered to students between the ages of 11-18. Within this curriculum, students study a wide range of subjects; Humanities, Science, Mathematics and Social Sciences; Art, Geography, Music, MFL and Businesses Studies. The range and quality of subjects delivered has seen the Sixth Form at the school become very popular and an increasing of number of Fulston Manor students apply to university each year. There are 85 teachers at our school.
The school is part of an academy trust, with strong links to a number of other local secondary and primary schools and has earnt a reputation for excellence in its teacher training programme.
The idea of community is very important at Fulston Manor, the original motto being “May they learn the art of friendship” and the ethos repeatedly used in documentation “Everybody matters, Everybody succeeds, Everybody helps”.
Fulston Manor School, having nearly completed an Erasmus+ project with real success, is eager to seize upon the opportunity presented by a European exchange and is eager to participate in this project to develop the positive effect of the Erasmus+ programme.