Augusta-Bender-Schule is a vocational school (Upper Secondary and Secondary) for Social Pedagogics, Care, Nutritional Science, Biotechnology, and Agriculture, located in Mosbach, a town with about 25,000 inhabitants in the north of Baden-Wurttemberg. Mosbach is situated in a rural area on the edge of the Rhine-Neckar-Region, a metropolitan area with about 2.4 million inhabitants including the major cities Mannheim, Ludwigshafen and Heidelberg. Many firms are located in this area and they are constantly on the lookout for well-educated young women and men who are geographically mobile and have the required personal, social as well as job-related skills.
In our school there are 66 teachers and 651 students of all social backgrounds. Our main subjects are STEM subjects (especially Nutritional Science and Biotechnology), Care and Social Pedagogics.
We are a school that is used to external and internal evaluation. We have the certificates OES (Operativ Eigenständige Schule) and AZAV (Akkreditierungs- und Zulassungsverordnung Arbeitsförderung) for Social Paedagogics and Care. In March 2017 the quality management of the school has been evaluated with great success by the "Landesamt für Schulentwicklung".